The Beginning of REACH XCEL..

In the year 2000, Drenice, born in 1988 in Heilbronn, traveled to Kosovo for the first time. Even as a child, she was fascinated by her parents’ culture—both of her parents were from Kosovo. Although Drenice grew up in the Swabian town of Heilbronn, she always felt a deep connection to her family’s roots. The visit to Kosovo after the war intensified this feeling and sparked a desire in her to make a difference there one day.

On the other side of Europe, in 1991, a young family from Kosovo moved to Freiburg im Breisgau. The daughter, Tefta, born in 1987, grew up in this German city and returned to Kosovo with her family in 2004. With a degree in German Studies completed in 2009 at the Faculty of Prishtina and a passion for languages and culture, she began her professional career as a German teacher before a fortunate turn of events led her into the contact center industry.

Under normal circumstances, Tefta and Drenice might never have met, but fate brought them together. Tefta pursued an impressive career in Prishtina, working for a German company for 11 years and ultimately overseeing the Prishtina site with 270 employees as the Director. Her excellent manner and charm allowed her to build a stellar reputation within the large contact center community in Kosovo. A few years earlier, Drenice started her career as a student assistant in a contact center. She worked through various departments, learning the business from the ground up. Her enthusiasm and talent saw her rise to the position of Chief Operating Officer, responsible for four locations with nearly 1,000 employees.

From 2014 to the end of 2023, Tefta and Drenice worked together for the same employer. This time together allowed them to hone their skills, learn from each other, and build a strong professional relationship. It was their shared passion for the contact center industry and the desire to create something of their own that ultimately led them to found REACH XCEL. The people they worked for and with always fascinated them and inspired their vision.

Today, they lead REACH XCEL as equal partners. Their diverse yet complementary experiences and backgrounds make them a strong team. While Tefta brings her expertise in operational management and personnel administration, Drenice ensures innovative approaches in quality management and project control. Both share the vision of creating a dynamic and supportive work environment that fosters innovation and growth.

Their story is not only a tale of professional success but also an example of how different paths and cultures can come together to create something great. REACH XCEL stands for passion, commitment, and the shared vision of two strong women determined to succeed together.

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